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Home > AJIMAL : Open Fund for Music Creators

AJIMAL : Open Fund for Music Creators

AJIMAL : Open Fund for Music Creators


Fran O’Hanlon acquired the name AJIMAL in the aftermath of being caught up in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. Whilst working in a field hospital as part of his medical degree, he found himself in the presence of an infamous guest preacher who formerly practised as a voodoo priest, under the guise of AJIMAL. Although a classically trained pianist, O’Hanlon feels much more comfortable writing and exploring music by ear, gravitating towards ambient folk, with neo-classical and electronic elements, rather than the more rigid classical syllabus he grew up with. He continues to practise as a doctor, with an interest in palliative medicine.

AJIMAL second album release, marketing campaign and special launch events.

I applied for PRSF funding to support the release and marketing of my second LP in 2020. Alongside providing assistance with the costs of a marketing campaign and physical manufacture, this grant will also allow me to expand my live show to perform the album in full, with guest musicians, over a series of special launch events.



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