Alyson Kandace Hewitt : Early Career Promoter Fund
I promote Live music entertainment events, as an independent promoter, showcasing talented creative artists and musicians, singers and soundsystems, performing or playing authentic reggae and Dub. This event aims to reach and engage audiences and boost access to performance opportunities in the cultural reggae pipeline. To-date, I have been involved with showcasing soundsystems and live performances including, Earl 16, Prince Malachi, Mafia & Fluxy, Sir Coxsone, Entebbe soundsystem, Young Warrior, Ras Demo and Askala Selassie, among others as there are many performing Artists I have worked with and would like to work with in the British Reggae Community. The Dub Specialist Night is a celebration of authentic Dub. The day will consist of a discussion on the History of Dub with a panel of Dub Specialists (musicians, artists, producers, Engineers and/or Soundsystems) for an interactive discussion before an evening of musical entertainment showcasing classic authentic and new age Dub. This will be 1- 3 events in 1-3 grassroots venues, presented by talented creatives from the reggae dub community. The rich creative talent in the roots and cultural reggae scene is abundant but they are not seen and their amazing works are too often exploited or misinterpreted. This event seeks to develop talented roots reggae artists, musicians, creatives, and support grassroots venues.
Website – Inside Reggae uk (is under construction)