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Home > Cornwall Arts Centre: The Open Fund for Organisations

Cornwall Arts Centre: The Open Fund for Organisations

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Music Out There is a new series of original music that will take place in small villages all over Cornwall this winter as part of the rural touring scheme Carn to Cove. Carn to Cove is a network of 85 villages who present two seasons of live events a year and new music is a growing part of the programme.  Musicians selected by Cornish village promoters will visit a zany variety of venues:  surf-side community hall (Praa Sands), moorland fastnesses (Helland),  and   fishing chapels (Newlyn). There’s a very broad range of music being presented – all original and including jazz, contemporary classical, folk, Afro-Cuban. The award from PRSF in addition to supporting the artists’ visits also focuses on promotion and marketing, particularly online ways of building sustainable audiences.  Getting the word out to audiences in rural spaces is challenging, and Music Out There supports local volunteer promoters and informs Cornish music fans.

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