Oh Yeah Music Centre: Talent Development Partner 2018
Oh Yeah is Belfast’s dedicated music hub for music makers and resource for the business of music. It was constituted in 2007 on the belief that music is a valuable agent in Northern Ireland, a catalyst that changes lives for the better.
The mission statement is ‘Open Doors To Music’. It combines the verve and resourcefulness of the music industry with a programme of social value and talent development.
It has a four tier development vision that includes the following strands:
- Scratch My Progress – A structured talent development programme for 4-5 acts per year.
- Getting To Know – A live conversation and session with songwriters before a responsive audience providing instant feedback.
- Women’s Work – An annual festival that aims to redress gender balance.
- ASK – Artist Support Keystone – one to one mentoring and advice.
As Talent Development Partners, Oh Yeah programmes focus on talent development, youth mentoring, community outreach, music curation and programming, music tourism and heritage, industry conferences and incubation.