Talent Development Partner 2019: Manchester Jazz Festival
Our PRSF TDP grant will support two ongoing strands of mjf’s work: mjf hothouse, a programme to diversify our talent base and develop new work, and mjf originals, our distinctive commissioning scheme for established jazz artists.
mjf hothouse is our bespoke open-access artist development programme for northern jazz artists to evolve ambitious creative ideas. It focusses on process rather than product, enabling artists to experiment with artistic risk without fear of failure or pressure to deliver a finished piece.
Hothouse artists will receive paid work development time, targeted artistic- and career-focussed workshops, and an industry mentor for 1-1 guidance to overcome barriers, culminating in a work-in-progress industry showcase at Matt & Phreds in Manchester.
Artists progress ideas from hothouse, sometimes going forward to receive the mjf originals commission, to premiere their work at the festival.
mjf originals is, after more than a decade, still the UK’s only open jazz commission, a cherished opportunity for north west artists and a highly-anticipated part of the mjf programme. It offers resourced delivery of a full new piece of work. This year, we commission British Composer Award-winner Andy Scott to create ‘Mancunity’: a large-scale piece opening mjf 2019 with a citywide mass-participation event.
Crowds will join 100 parading players at different points across the city, as they process towards our main stage in St Ann’s Square. Mancunity is a fanfare to the future and inspired by the beating heart of Manchester, the people, their resilience, music history and future-facing attitude.