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Home > Benjamin Till: The Open Fund for Music Creators

Benjamin Till: The Open Fund for Music Creators

Benjamin Till: The Open Fund for Music Creators

Tehillim – A Very British Journey into the Psalms

Tehillim is a celebration of the beauty of the UK, and some of its minority languages and dialects. Psalmic texts play a key role in Jewish and Christian worship, but have also generated their own, very specific, musical traditions in the UK, including Gaelic Psalm Singing. This musical film takes us on a journey to all corners of the UK. Jewish male voice choir, Mosaic Voices, performing the Psalms in Hebrew, partner with seven female singers and spoken word artists, all of whom will use passages from the psalms as jumping-off points to explore thoughts about modern day life. At a time when it feels the UK has never been so divided, Tehillim looks at what unites us. The film will be shot in a series of stunning locations and be performed in English, Hebrew, Scots Gaelic, Welsh and Yiddish, and in Belfast, Black Country and Cumbrian Dialects.

Benjamin Till is a BAFTA-nominated composer and director who has won numerous awards for his work in film, TV and musical theatre, including A Symphony for Yorkshire, 100 Faces, Tyne and Wear Metro The Musical and Songs From Hattersley (BBC), Our Gay Wedding: The Musical, A1: The Road Musical (Channel 4) and the stage musical, Brass. He has released 6 albums including Em, The Pepys Motet and The London Requiem. A deeply proud Midlander with Welsh and Jewish heritage, he is Resident Composer for Mosaic Voices, a professional male voice choir based at New West End Synagogue in Bayswater, London.

Twitter: @thebenjamintill @MosaicVoices



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