Hard Rain Soloist Ensemble: Talent Development Fund 2017
Hard Rain Soloist Ensemble Talent Development Programme
The Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble (HRSE) is the only musical group in Northern Ireland to specialise in the performance of modern and contemporary repertoire. Its remit is to give a voice to local composers and to perform their music in the context of music by leading exponents of contemporary music from elsewhere in Europe and the rest of the world. It aims to programme music that otherwise cannot be heard live locally, while serving as an outlet for the talent of highly specialist performers and acting as a meeting point for their innovation, ideas and enthusiasm.
The ensemble was founded by the composer Dr. Greg Caffrey, who remains their Artistic Director. The core ensemble features Aisling Agnew – flutes, Sarah Watts – clarinets, Joanne Quigley McParland– violin, David McCann – cello and Seán Morgan-Rooney – Piano. Other guest players who frequently join the ensemble are the percussionist Alex Petcu and conductor Sinead Hayes.
HRSE with support from PRS Foundation intends to help composers of contemporary music in NI at the early stages of their careers. Part of this assistance will involve commissioning. Composers need access to a professional specialist group to build a portfolio of recordings and have their music performed. HRSE also intend to encourage young composers, exploring contemporary music as practitioners for the first time, through read-throughs and workshops. Additionally they will address the problem of the lack of professional performance opportunity that exists regionally for early career and established composers based here. HRSE will offer performance platforms to composers of various level of experience.